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Here at Pioneer Surveying,

Mapping , Planning, and Development is what we do.

Our professional crews are always ready for the next challenge. From closing surveys to ALTA/NSPS compliant surveys, our team of motivated surveyors are always ready to help you accomplish your property needs.

Why should I request a survey?

Imagine buying a car without ever laying eyes on it. Buying and owning land that hasn't had a survey is essentially the same. The Pioneer Team provides more than just high quality plats and first rate service, we also provide peace of mind and confidence to property owners. Just like stocks, your property is potentially the largest investment of your of your life. Pioneer is here so that you know where you stand on your land. 

Our Services


A.L.T.A. Survey

Pioneer is fully equipped to produce A.L.T.A. compliant surveys.

As-Built Survey

Pioneer is fully equipped and experienced producing As-Built surveys so that you know exactly where all your hard work has lead to. Pioneer has experience producing As-Built surveys on both small and large scales, and is ready to help you wrap up your project.

Foundation Staking

Ready to build your new home? We're ready to help. Our foundation staking services include a full ground survey and marking of the building foundation corners using wooden stakes, so you can see exactly where your new home will sit on your property.

Tree Topographical Survey

Just like a normal Topographical Survey, this service will show you your properties elevation change as well as where every tree is located by species, shown on a clean, professional, easy to read plat.

Topographical Survey

Pioneer is fully capable of supplying you with Topographical Surveys. These services will include a full ground survey and the production of a clean, professional, and easy to read plat showing the change of elevation on your property. 

Closing Survey

Need a survey to close on your dream property? Pioneer has you covered. Our Closing Survey services include marking of all property pins and a clean, professional, easy to read plat. Our friendly and knowledgeable field crews are fully equipped to answer any questions you may have regarding your property.

Line Marking

Need to know where your property lines are but don't want a full survey? Our line marking services can do just that. Our crews can mark your lines for easy identification of exactly where you stand on your land.

Dock Projections

Pioneer offers Projection Surveys for all Lake Hartwell communities so you know exactly where you can place your dock.

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